Thursday, May 24, 2007

There seems to be no fun no aim in what i do these days. My life has become so mechanical that i can now do the job of the lathe i used to work on back in college. All the rush to get into the top colleges and schools and choose the right subjects now seems a waste of time. Work is so bloody over hyped. You study and slog like a mad person trying to do well for yourself and try and get into that job which will make you happy and you could then feel a sense of accomplishment. I feel nothing of that. I have a good job, a decent enough salary and yet i feel incomplete. Getting up in the morning rushing to work and then coming back exhausted with no will or time to do anything is fast becoming the story of my life.

Office is fun but it takes so much of my time. I can hardly believe that i have been here for 1.5 years. I love the work that i do but i will soon hit a plateau and god save me after that. There are new avenues to look for but the existing workload does not let you venture into those avenues.

The less said about personal life the better....

I feel increasingly restless, irritated and disoriented these days. I miss my metro stops, leave my ipod at work. I cannot read books anymore, haven't watched a movie at home since god knows when. My temper has become worse and i am a lazy lump .

I have not blogged in ages and there is no motivation to do anything these days. I don't even feel the need to do a spellcheck on this post or think for a title...i just dont care.


J u said...

We all go through this phase many a times!!
Have a masala chai and get going!!:)

Anonymous said...

Hey..I never knew you had a blog...

But what you ahve written is true of every professional in a bustling happens to me all the time...I too take hiatus from blogging :)
